
Recent US Research Finds Temporary Tattoos May Have Strong Allergic Effects

Recent US Research Finds Temporary Tattoos May Have Strong Allergic Effects.

Probably, now there is not one person in the world who has not thought about getting a tattoo. But before getting a permanent tattoo, many people do a temporary one. But before deciding on this step, you need to know the positive and negative consequences of this act..

It turned out that there are not so many positives from performing a tattoo. The only positive thing about a tattoo is a beautifully made drawing. But there are too many contraindications.

Recent studies in the USA have found that temporary tattoos can have severe allergic effects - photo 1

Recent studies in the USA have found that temporary tattoos can have severe allergic effects – photo 1

Sometimes negative consequences can appear immediately, sometimes after a certain time. Doctors claim that tattoos are harmful to health and often it is not realistic to correct this mistake. Sometimes the state of affairs can be so critical that it can even lead to death..

Another disadvantage is that there is no such authority in the world that controls the quality of paint. Certain examinations are not recommended for people with tattoos. This is due to the fact that the inflammatory process can begin..

But the worst thing is that during application you can get infected with such an infection as hepatitis, AIDS. Moreover, in most countries in the world it is forbidden to be a blood donor during the first year after tattooing. It is necessary to ensure that the needles are individual and have not been used by masters before you.

You cannot apply tattoos at home. Only in special institutions. Everything should be as clean and sterile as possible, all devices are carefully processed. In some cases, blood poisoning can occur, sometimes even fatal. Be attentive to all the little things.

Even small tattoos cannot be applied to children. Their immunity is unable to handle the ink.