
Getting rid of the tattoo in honor of the “former” led to serious consequences

Here’s a reason to never get your partner’s name tattooed.

Briton 32 years old, Andrew Milne wanted to get rid of the tattoo in honor of his ex-wife in the form of her initials on the third finger of his left hand.

Mr. Milne already had a rose tattoo over his ex-wife’s initials, but recently decided to get rid of both jobs..

But he woke up the day after his second laser session to find a huge pus-filled tumor measuring 2.5 cm in size..

Getting rid of the tattoo in honor of the ex - picture

Milne, a fashion industry account manager in Corby, Northamptonshire, England, said: “It was quite disturbing. On Friday night, when I was about to go to bed, I noticed only a slight lift on the skin, which is quite normal after a few laser sessions. However, when I woke up the next morning, I saw a swelling appear. She is about 2.5 cm long and over 1 cm high, and seems to be quite tough. “.

Could the makeup of the tattoo ink be the cause??

Laser removal is a procedure during which pigments and other substances are broken down into many tiny particles containing harmful chemicals that can subsequently easily circulate in the body..

The ink contains a variety of ingredients and is chemically sourced from a single supplier to mix and sell to a distributor and then a tattoo parlor. Although every ingredient must be carefully labeled, especially if it is hazardous, there are no standardized requirements in the EU..

The two main issues of concern are how the chemicals act when injected into the dermis – under the deep layer of the skin, and the long-term effect that occurs when pigments break down.

A 2017 study published in Scientific Reports found that the patients’ lymph nodes contained particles of pigment from a tattoo..

A 2012 review from the medical journal Lancet Oncology found that there are relatively few skin cancers likely to cause tattoo ink. In total, the authors managed to find 50 examples of skin cancers from tattoos after extensive study of the medical literature..

While there are examples provided by ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) reports where carcinogenic chemicals have been added to ink, there is currently no direct evidence of cancer due to tattoos..

The appearance of a tumor can also trigger the removal of a tattoo, as it damages the skin, and the tumor is used by the immune system to prevent infection.

Milne added: “The pain is not very severe, but the tumor looks extremely ugly. This has been going on for two days, and the tumor is growing. “.

“I mentioned this to the woman who did the laser session and she seems to be a little worried. She told me to do my best not to damage the tumor, as it could pose a threat of infection if bacteria got into an open wound. From time to time, pus flows from it “.

Laser tattoo removal is carried out in such a way as to break the tattoo ink into tiny pieces, which are eventually absorbed into the blood..

“I don’t think it has anything to do with where the tattoo was removed, I’m sure I just had a bad reaction to the laser.”.

Milne has paid $ 45 so far for each of the two laser sessions he was given and was told it would take four to nine sessions to completely remove the tattoo..

But he said, “I’m not really sure if I will continue to remove the tattoo.”.

Prepared by: viduf (Krasilnikov Stanislav Innokentyevich)