
Poll: Almost 1 in 3 New Yorkers has one or more tattoos

From the material you can find out how many New Yorkers, the United States have tattoos on their bodies – statistical data.

almost every third New Yorker has one or more tattoos - information and photos

almost every third New Yorker has one or more tattoos – information and photos

Poll – almost one in three New Yorkers has one or more tattoos

According to the latest sociological research conducted by the City Department of Health among New Yorkers, 31.4 percent of those surveyed have at least one tattoo on their body..

The number of tattooed people is increasing at the same rate as the number of tattooists. According to the data, there were 2,482 tattoo artists in New York in 2014, who are officially licensed, and already in 2019 – 4332 tattoo artists officially worked in the city.

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Men or women? Who beats a tattoo more often?

In 2019, women officially and even “noticeably” surpassed men in matters of “interesting things on the body.”.

The survey showed that among tattoo owners living in New York: women – 34.9%, and men – 27.4%.

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As a site about tattooing, we constantly monitor the frequency of search queries on the Internet regarding tattoos, and in fact, we can confirm that today the number of questions to search engines that specify tattoos by gender has been extremely reduced (such as: male tattoo “here”, female tattoo “such”), today people are simply looking for a drawing or style that interests them, not paying attention to the belonging of the drawing to one or another gender.

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Some updated statistics on tattoos in New York

Despite its reputation as an area that sets fashion trends, Brooklyn was only in third place, with 32.1% tattooed residents.

Staten Island  became the leader of the rating and showed the result – 36.6% tattooed (ward average).

Bronx lagged behind quite a bit, he – 36.4%.



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Tattooing by race


Are in the lead Hispanics42.4%.




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The study found that New Yorkers in the age range from 25 to 44 years old, have the greatest penchant for tattoos – 43.5%.

A fly in the ointment in a tattoo barrel with honey

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As shown by the survey research, 16.7% of those who have or have had a tattoo, in part or in whole deleted the drawing, predominantly using the laser method of tattoo removal.

We strongly recommend that you think carefully before applying a tattoo, and if necessary, do not hesitate – feel free to contact a professional for advice and ask all existing questions. This is very effective in avoiding regret in the future..