
The meaning of animal tattoos

Here you can find out interesting facts about the meaning of animal tattoos, the meaning and history of popular tattoo designs, you can see photo examples. More pictures here:

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The meaning of tattoos with animals - information about the features of drawings and photos examples of finished tattoos

The meaning of tattoos with animals – information about the features of drawings and photos examples of finished tattoos

All about the features and meaning of animal tattoos

The art of tattoo originates straight from ancient times, where animals were an integral part of human life, were part of various rituals. Each animal was assigned properties. Sometimes magical. Also, animals played a huge role in the mythology of peoples..

The importance of the images of animals on the body is given on the basis of the qualities of the depicted animal. It can be both physical properties (strength, endurance) and intangible (intelligence, wisdom). However, in different cultures, the same animals are characterized in different ways. It is worth considering.

Photo of a geometric animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №005 -animal tattoos-

Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №093 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №092 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №090 -animal tattoos-

The most common are tattoos depicting a wolf, tiger, dragon, bear. We will analyze their history, meaning, features and consider various options for their execution.


The wolf has accompanied man since ancient times. Symbolizing devotion, strength, will of steel, he plays a significant role in the mythological culture of man. In the image of a wolf, they see a leader, a military leader, and in Indo-European culture, a predator is a symbol of war. The Indians saw in the animal the god of the underworld – the world of the dead. In Celtic mythology, the change of day and night was explained by the story of a wolf devouring the sun..

The wolf has always been treated with respect because of his nobility, aspiring, strong character, deep loyalty to his pack, his family, after the loss of which he most often becomes lonely.

Photo of a geometric animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №002 -animal tattoos-

Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №088 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №085 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №078 -animal tattoos-

There are many variations of a tattoo depicting this beast, each of which has its own interpretation. So, a wolf howling at the moon speaks of loneliness, inner strength, independence and the ability to go contrary to social norms. A wolf with red eyes and a sharp grin is a guide to the other world, a protector from unclean forces. A moving wolf is a symbol of determination, readiness to overcome all life obstacles on its way.


Tiger in Eastern culture – speed, beauty, anger, power. In almost all of Asia, it is the tiger that is the main symbol of greatness and power. The tiger is the leader of animals, a born leader. Their character is considered unshakable..

Images of the tiger were applied to the clothes of Asian and Eastern emperors, to the weapons of warriors, and, of course, to the body as tattoos..

Photo of a geometric animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №035 -animal tattoos-

Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №075 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №074 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №073 -animal tattoos-

The tiger in China is a symbol of wealth, as well as protection from ailments and big troubles. Images of a tiger were applied to shields by Japanese soldiers. They believed that in this way they would prevail in the battle and return home safely..

Photo examples of tattoo drawings with animals from 03/13/2020 (834 photos)

A tiger tattoo can be combined with other images: a tiger and a dragon, butterflies, a crown on a tiger.

The first is an interpretation of a key element in Chinese mythology, the Yin and Yang symbol. The fight between black and white, the fight between two opposites in a person.

Butterflies, together with a tiger tattoo, are freedom, independence, determination, even fearlessness..

Photo of an interesting animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №024 -animal tattoos-

Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №072 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №071 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №070 -animal tattoos-

The crown on the tiger’s head – self-confidence, strong leadership qualities of a person.

Often there is a variant of a tattoo of a tiger with a grin, a white tiger.

A tiger’s grin – readiness to go against generally established rules, against an established system, disagreement with the opinions of the people around, anger, anger.

The white tiger is an incredibly rare animal. It is almost impossible to find it in nature. Such a tattoo symbolizes wisdom, the fullness of knowledge of the world. She also indicates the originality of its owner..

Photo of an interesting animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №037 -animal tattoos-

Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №067 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №062 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №057 -animal tattoos-


Bear tattoo can be different. In one case, she will personify strength and anger, and in the other, courage and courage. In Russian culture, a bear is a symbol of patriotism and love for the homeland. In other cultures, the bear is a noble and self-confident creature. A bear will never attack unless provoked. But at the same time, the bear is a dangerous, ferocious creature, a symbol of war in some European cultures..

The value will depend on the selected sketch.

Photo of male tattoo with an animal 03/12/2020 №046 -animal tattoos-

Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №056 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №053 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №051 -animal tattoos-

As with the tiger, the grin of a bear is a symbol of anger, self-confidence, strength and anger. The bear is not afraid of his enemies, he is always ready to meet them face to face, regardless of the consequences.

The polar bear is able to survive even in the most adverse conditions. Such a tattoo speaks of a person’s ability to take care of himself. One of the rare bear tattoos.

The bear’s house is a forest. A tattoo of a bear in the forest speaks of a great love for your home, homeland.

A bear tattoo with her cubs is very popular among girls. The she-bear, like no one else, is able to stand up for herself and her cubs. This is a symbol of the girl’s strong will and maternal qualities..

Photo of male tattoo with an animal 03/12/2020 №056 -animal tattoos-

Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №047 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №046 -animal tattoos- Photo of a black and white animal tattoo 03/12/2020 №036 -animal tattoos-

A bear’s paw mark can also be a symbol of motherhood, but besides this it has a number of other meanings: the willingness to go forward through life, overcoming obstacles, and the bear’s claws mean power, strength and power.

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 The text of the article for the site was prepared: DIATTTOR (Maximus Max)