
What are the tattoos

Want to get yourself a tattoo? Find out why people get them, what are the health risks, and whether it is possible to get rid of tattoos..

What are tattoos - information and photo examples of interesting tattoo designs

Today, tattoos are not uncommon. In the age group from 18 to 30 years old, one in four has a tattoo, the majority in this group are girls.

Types of tattoos:

  1.  Amateur tattoos

You can use a needle to make a hole in the leather and fill it with ink, charcoal, or ash. This kind of homemade tattoos are not as pretty as professional ones. In addition, they are often made in poor hygienic conditions, which increases the risk of infection..

  1. Tattoos are a symbol of belonging to a particular culture

Most often they represent a specific image with a specific subtext and purpose. Such tattoos, for example, are done in the process of a ritual or as a symbol of beauty..

  1. Professional tattoos

Such tattoos are applied by specialists using a dedicated device..

  1. Cosmetic tattoos

A tattoo is not only an image of a drawing, symbol or a beautiful phrase. There is such a term as permanent makeup, or permanent makeup. Most often, tattooing of eyebrows, lip contours is done.

  1. Medical tattoos

For example, such a tattoo can be done by a patient with diabetes, so that in an emergency, health workers or even ordinary passers-by are aware of his disease and can help..

Why get a tattoo?

Most people get tattoos for one reason – to express themselves and to prove their uniqueness. Take your time, think in detail about the design of the desired tattoo. Do not forget to think about the place of application. You can get a tattoo on that part of the body that will not be visible to everyone, but only to the elite.

Where to get a tattoo?

So, if you nevertheless decide to get a tattoo, then, first of all, make sure that the salon where you will get it is purely like in a hospital..

How to keep yourself safe?

Do not drink alcohol or take any medications (especially aspirin) before going to the salon. Do not get a tattoo if you are unwell. Make sure all needles are sterile and that all instruments are treated with an antibacterial agent in the salon. The technician should wash their hands and put on sterile gloves before work. Listen carefully to all recommendations for tattoo healing and follow them..

What are the possible complications?


Any tattoo carries the risk of infection.

In the worst case, it could even be HIV or hepatitis C due to non-sterile needles. Danger is also posed by ink, possible bacteria in which can lead to problems with the eyes, lungs.

Allergy. Some people may be allergic to ink. Most often this applies to red. In this case, tissues are damaged, the skin area begins to swell, a rash is possible..

Is it possible to remove a tattoo?

A tattoo made only in black is best displayed. Unfortunately, your skin will not be the same..

There are three main ways to remove a tattoo: cutting off the skin layer, mechanical skin resurfacing (dermabrasion), laser removal.

Most doctors recommend laser tattoo removal. A specific laser is used to produce each color. Immediately after the procedure, the skin at the tattoo site may turn pale. Over time, the skin will return to its normal color..

Please note that the laser can cause an allergic reaction such as blisters. It should also be remembered that not all tattoos are easy to remove. Some may leave a scar.

Even temporary tattoos carry risks.

Of course, you can apply a temporary tattoo such as henna. However, be careful! Even these tattoos can cause an allergic reaction. Do not use black and blue henna for a tattoo, as they are not harmless..

Photo selection of interesting tattoos from 11/18/2019 (718 photos):

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Prepared by: LEBEDX (Lebedev Stepan)