
10 ways to make tattoos a business asset

The network is replete with stories of people getting drunk and tattooing visible parts of their bodies and then looking for work for months. They were sent home from interviews, barely seeing their ways of expressing themselves..

10 ways to get tattoos a business asset - information and photo examples

10 ways to get tattoos a business asset – information and photo examples

10 ways to get tattoos as a business asset – all the fun

Among the stream of such revelations, there are references to how someone put a tattoo with the company’s logo on the skin and made some money.

But even rarer are stories of how to get tattoos an important business asset..

Success example

A business woman from Melbourne was able to pull it off. Chirril-Lee Ryan is the head of design for a large company. She got her first tattoo at the age of 16. As she approached her fortieth birthday, her entire body was covered with drawings, which she now perceives as a whole..

10 ways to get tattoos as a business asset - photo 1

Ryan assures that she never lost a job or an opportunity to get a position because of a tattoo. For about 20 years she has been building a career as a designer. And tattoos only helped her with this.

“When I enter a room, the dialogue starts before I say the first word,” she admits. – My creative credo is always with me. I see no reason why my tattoos will affect my work in the future..

For the sake of supporting people with similar interests, Chirril-Lee singled out a dozen reasons why her tattoos became an important business asset..

Reasons to be successful

  1. A constant reminder of creative talent. If she was given a dollar for every question about whether she was an artist or a designer, she would become a millionaire..
  2. Comfort from discomfort. After spending hours tattooing, Ryan learned to endure the discomfort. This helps to show perseverance and perseverance during times of time trouble..
  3. Confidence in creative talent. Successfully selected tattoos for different parts of the body remind the girl that she needs to constantly grow above herself in terms of creativity, she believes that she can cope with this task.
  4. Change agent. People are afraid to get tattoos because they are afraid of change. Nothing lasts forever under the moon: the sooner you manage to realize this, the easier it is to come to terms with the inevitable.
  5. Commitment readiness. Tattoos are usually applied for life. Their presence means the ability to set long-term goals, which is appreciated by many employers..
  6. Call for dialogue. Many people stay in one position for years because they are embarrassed to promote themselves. But having a tattoo allows you to give people food for conversation. Getting to know them becomes much easier..
  7. Breaking stereotypes. Tattoos have a bad reputation. It is believed that they are inflicted by criminals and apostates, bad people who do vile things and drag out a miserable existence. But if a good person who improves people’s lives wears tattoos, this helps some people overcome narrow-mindedness, learn to look at the world broadly..
  8. Long lasting impression. It’s hard to forget a man covered from head to toe with interesting, highly artistic tattoos..
  9. Striving to work better than others. Negative myths and prejudices about people with drawings on their bodies are an inevitable fact. This attitude motivates to work harder, to do better projects than others. In an attempt to smash ridiculous stereotypes to smithereens, Ryan goes the “extra mile” just to prove to some people how wrong they are..
  10. A reminder of the importance of differences. Every look in the mirror reminds Chirril-Lee that she is responsible for what she did to her appearance. But that was her choice. And how many people who become persecuted or ignored because of their skin color or accent??

Courage, the desire to make the world a better place, creative freedom, the ability to live outside the framework and stereotypes: these characteristics are read from every person who uses a tattoo. If you understand who needs such business qualities and why, there will be no problems with work. And those who have already realized this can share their success stories, like Chirril-Lee Ryan.

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Prepared by: ivorontsova (Irina Vorontsova)