
Is it possible to get tattoos during pregnancy?

Here you can find out all the most important and interesting about tattoos and pregnancy, find out interesting facts and look at photos of pregnant women with tattoos.

The administration reminds that the information is only the opinion of the author, and any medical issues must be discussed with a qualified medical professional..

Is it possible to get tattoos during pregnancy - information and photo examples

Is it possible to get tattoos during pregnancy: facts and photos

Pregnancy is a magical time for a woman, while associated with some temporary taboos. Some experts argue that there are no strict limits when it comes to getting tattoos during pregnancy. Still, the safest thing to do is to wait until birth to get a tattoo..

The main risks

There are a number of specific risks associated with tattooing in general..

Risk of infection

Getting a tattoo puts a pregnant woman at a potential risk of infection. It is known that not all tattoo parlors have the same hygiene protocols. Some do not even meet minimum safety standards when it comes to keeping equipment and needles clean and sterilized. And this is fraught with the spread of such serious diseases as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV..

If a mother-to-be accidentally becomes infected with these diseases during pregnancy, she can pass on a dangerous infection to her baby..

Another unpleasant moment is the long healing process. Symptoms of the infection that are worth looking out for include:

  • fever;
  • chills;
  • red lesions on the tattoo;
  • increased body temperature;
  • foul-smelling discharge from the tattooed area;
  • soreness around or near the tattoo;
  • dark spots that extend beyond the tattoo area.

A pregnant woman’s body changes significantly during pregnancy as the skin stretches and hormones can affect the appearance of the skin. Tattoos on the abdomen or thighs, for example, can be subject to transformation due to stretch marks.

Hyperpigmentation can be the result of hormonal changes that can change the appearance of a tattoo beyond recognition. In addition, some areas of your skin may darken during pregnancy, especially the nipples, hands, belly, and face..

Photo of a pregnant woman with a tattoo 04/19/2021 №019 - pregnant tattoo -

The skin of pregnant women is more sensitive, and the pain threshold is greatly increased. In addition, any stressful situations are highly undesirable. All this can lead to premature birth. There is also a risk that the ink used to create the tattoo could cause a severe allergic reaction. And this is a potential threat to the fetus..

Photo of a pregnant woman with a tattoo 04/19/2021 №025 - pregnant tattoo -

Ways to minimize the risks of tattooing during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman decides to get a tattoo, there are some general rules to help minimize all the risks. One of the most important is finding a tattoo parlor that has comprehensive cleaning methods and the necessary certifications..

It is worth giving preference to a tattoo studio, which has separate areas for tattooing and piercing..

Photo of a pregnant woman with a tattoo 04/19/2021 №061 - pregnant tattoo -

It is important to ensure that the master uses an autoclave that is used to sterilize needles and other tattoo equipment..

Make sure that the needles are opened just before the tattoo is applied.

The technician must wear new latex gloves while applying the ink.

Ink should be in disposable sterile containers and opened immediately before starting work.

Photo of a pregnant woman with a tattoo 04/19/2021 №057 - pregnant tattoo -

Do not hesitate to ask and clarify the details of interest. A tattoo parlor that values ​​its reputation must be able to honestly answer all questions and tell in detail about the services.

It is no secret that hormonal processes change not only a woman’s body during pregnancy, but also her emotions. And it may well happen that the picture chosen during this period can be completely disappointing immediately after childbirth..

Photo of a pregnant woman with a tattoo 04/19/2021 №056 - pregnant tattoo -

In no case should the “interesting situation” be hidden from the master. And after the procedure, it is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist at home in order to ensure proper healing of the skin..

Photos of pregnant women with tattoos from 04/19/2021 (75 photos)

The text of the article was prepared by: RABOTA2019_ETXT (K.V.R.)