Ribbon Tattoo

Barcode Tattoo on Birthday Barcode – 3rd April

Here you can find out about the barcode tattoo drawing, learn about the birthday of the barcode -3 April, look at the thematic tattoo drawings in the photo that will help mark this date.

Barcode tattoo on Birthday barcode - information and photo examples of tattoo designs

Barcode tattoo on Birthday barcode – information and photo examples of tattoo designs

Barcode Tattoo on Birthday Barcode – April 3rd – Facts & Photos

Modern supermarkets have already become commonplace, and quite recently we bought food in stores according to a completely different system, which implied a lot of manipulations that we managed to leave in the past, thanks to a simple and revolutionary at one time invention – a barcode. Birthday, which is celebrated annually on April 3.

The invention of the barcode came about thanks to the idea of ​​Bernard Silver and his friend Norman Woodland in 1948, which was born at the request of one of the owners of the trading business, who was looking for a way to organize and account for goods, with a new level of convenience..

Tattoo barcode photo example drawing 03.04.2020 №010 -tattoo barcode-

The modernized Morse code was taken as a basis – a system of dots and dashes, which underwent significant modernization and already in the 1970s the first working system for reading barcodes using laser beams appeared in stores.

Where is the date?

Initially, the barcode was round, which caused many difficulties in reading it accurately. An approximate image format to today’s – rectangular, was created thanks to the IBM company. On April 3, 1973, at the convention of trade workers who used the barcode, it was decided to adopt a common standard. It is based on this date that April 3 is considered the birthday of the barcode..

Tattoo barcode photo example drawing 03.04.2020 №129 -tattoo barcode-

Today, the most common barcode format is 80% of all, these are 13 numbers and lines of different thicknesses.

There is also a popular two-dimensional format QR-code, which provides more opportunities for transferring information in this format..

By the way, we have a whole material about the meaning of a tattoo with a barcode..

Photo examples of tattoo drawings with a barcode for the birthday of the barcode – April 3 (144 photos)