Olga Zhemchugova got a tattoo in memory of her sister
23-year-old participant of House-2 Olga Zhemchugova shared unexpected news with her fans. On her Instagram, the girl posted a photo of her new tattoo, made, according to her, in memory of her deceased younger sister. Thus, Olga wanted to forever preserve the image of her loved one, not only in her soul, but also on her body. According to the comments of the girl herself, she has every right to do this. Unfortunately, this message was deciphered by many incorrectly, which served as the basis for a scandal in the comments under the post. Olga was accused of frivolity, as well as carelessness in relation to her husband and son, who remained in another city. By the way, gossip around the fact that the guys seem to have dispersed to different parts of the country for a reason, do not subside. Olga’s husband Gleb, who is also a participant in the Dom-2 television project, left little Misha in Vladivostok with his parents.
Olga Zhemchugova got a tattoo in memory of her sister – photo 2
Olga Zhemchugova got a tattoo in memory of her sister – photo 1
It should be noted that this is not Olga’s first tattoo. Such designs are already adorning her legs and back. Now the arm has also been hit by the tattoo artist. And the participant of House-2 does not intend to stop there. We just have to wait for news and follow updates on social networks..
Prepared by: nastiatrofimova (Trofimova Anastasia Evgenievna)