Nanoparticle tattoos can help treat autoimmune diseases
Researchers from the United States managed to find out that carbon nanoparticles are capable of suppressing the activity of cells of the immune system. In this case, the best result is achieved if nanoparticles are injected under the skin, which leads to its staining. Therefore, it is possible that in the near future, the therapy of autoimmune diseases will consist in applying temporary tattoos made of nanoparticles to the skin of patients..
Tattoos made of nanoparticles will help in the treatment of autoimmune diseases – photo
What are autoimmune diseases?
A fairly broad group of pathologies that develop according to a single mechanism belongs to autoimmune diseases. The cells of the immune system begin to perceive the tissues of the body as foreign and attack them, which causes the development of chronic inflammatory processes. Autoimmune diseases include multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and many others..
T-lymphocytes play a key role in the development of the disease. Normally, they destroy cells with a foreign genome by producing active oxygen compounds.
Until recently, drugs that suppress the immune system were used to treat autoimmune diseases. However, this leads not only to the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease: due to a decrease in immunity in patients, the risk of developing infectious and oncological diseases increases..
Nanoparticles against reactive oxygen radicals
It has been proven that carbon nanoparticles are capable of neutralizing reactive oxygen radicals. At the same time, they work much more efficiently than natural antioxidants. Unfortunately, when carbon nanoparticles enter the body, they form compounds that lead to the death of healthy cells and tissues..
Recently, researchers from the United States have isolated carbon nanoclusters, which have been shown to be highly effective as antioxidants without damaging the cellular structures of organisms. During the experiment, the substance was injected under the skin of laboratory rats, while the reaction of the immune system of the animals was controlled by observing the formation of antibodies to polyethylene glycol.
It turned out that nanoparticles have the ability to be absorbed by splenic T-lymphocytes, while they do not enter into a reaction with other cells of the immune system. In addition, nanoclusters were found to be inert to lymphocytes produced in the thyroid gland..
When the drug is administered subcutaneously, its action is prolonged, which means that the effect of therapy will be longer than with intravenous injections. This means that in the near future, a tattoo of nanoparticles will help in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, which for a long time were considered incurable..
Healing tattoos
Clinical testing of the obtained drug is currently underway. Scientists suggest that the new drug will be injected using needles that resemble those used for tattooing. At the same time, at the place where the drug is injected, it will be possible to make patterns that the patient himself chooses. Due to the ability of carbon nanoparticles to color the skin, this procedure will relieve psychological discomfort and improve the psychological state of people suffering from autoimmune diseases. After all, patients will not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also become owners of a fashionable tattoo..
Prepared by: mariamihireva (Mihireva Maria Sergeevna)