
Healing tattoo

A tattoo on the body is a permanent image on the skin, made using a machine with special needles and professional paint that goes under the skin. Today, tattoo is the most common way of self-expression, both among adults and among adolescents and young people..

Tattoo healing - collection of photo examples

Tattoo healing – collection of photo examples

Tattoo healing is all the most important

This article talks about how to properly care for a fresh tattoo..

  • Healing stages
  • Timely and proper care
  • Healing preparations

Tattoo healing, features.

Speaking about the stages of healing of a permanent skin pattern, it should be noted that the anatomical and physiological features of the skin in younger people differ from adults in that the healing process can proceed much faster, since trophic skin changes begin to progress after 30 years. It should also be noted that when choosing a tattoo artist, special attention should be paid to his previous work, work experience, relevant documentation and qualifications. These parameters are very important for the procedure, and, accordingly, the further healing of your tattoo..

Healing stages

  1. The appearance of exudate. A couple of days after applying the ink, you can see how the tattooed part of the skin is swollen, and a liquid discharge appears at the site of the drawing – exudate, which can be completely colorless, or contain some impurities of the color of the tattoo pigment itself. Do not sound the alarm, this process is physiological in the healing process. This stage lasts up to 2 days..
  2. Thickening of the skin at the site of the pattern. This stage is also physiological, as a thick protective layer is formed. The duration of this stage is up to 4 days. It is noteworthy that in no case should you tear off, comb or in any other way injure the area with thickened skin, because there is a huge risk of infection and scarring of the tattoo.
  3. Peeling. It is the final stage of healing. The tattooed area of ​​the body dries out and, possibly, itches a little, as a result of which peeling forms. The thickening gradually disappears, the surface layer of the skin begins to peel off. At this stage, the minimum mechanical impact is important, which can prolong the healing process, or create a risk of skin infection. The time of this stage ranges from 5 to 10 days..

Timely and proper care

Grooming is the most important part of healing, reducing the risk of infection, accelerating healing and minimizing the negative effects of scarring.

The first days of caring for a permanent modification are the most painful and require more attention. Immediately after the procedure, a special ointment is applied to the tattoo and the tattooed area is wrapped with foil. Speaking of films, it is worth noting that today there is a huge variety, from simple food films to special healing films. The latter is very convenient to use, since it can be removed and replaced within 5-6 days. The film is removed with special care, avoiding damage to the skin. If you are dealing with food, it is replaced 3-4 hours after the first application, after cleaning the skin with purified water and special antibacterial soap. Next, we apply healing ointments, the variety of which will be discussed below. After carrying out such processing, apply a clean film again.

Healing preparations

Today, there is a wide variety of such drugs. The most common ointments and creams are Solcoseryl, Bepanten, Levomekol, Doctor Pro. The application of these ointments significantly accelerates wound healing and minimizes inconvenience, and limits the risk of spreading infection..

Tattoo healing – photo examples from 09.10.2018

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