
Down with tattoos

From the material you will learn about the methods and options for removing an unacceptable tattoo pattern, we will consider from simple and sparing – to radical methods.

Down with tattoos - information about types of tattoo removal and photo examples

Down with tattoos – information about types of tattoo removal and photo examples

Down with tattoos – options and selection of a tattoo removal method

How beautiful it once seemed, all these different “tattoos” on any part of the body. And in addition to the usual tattoos of various figures and inscriptions, tattooing of lips, eyes, eyebrows was also done. But, the fashion has departed, and the marks on the body remained. Now young women are preoccupied with getting rid of them. But how and where is it better to do it? And is it possible to get rid of them altogether? Moreover, the removal of facial tattooing requires significant financial costs. But, nevertheless, one should not despair, it is still possible to remove the “mistakes of youth”, although some criteria should first be taken into account, on which the success of the attempted attempt will depend. These parameters include the size of the applied pattern and the depth of penetration of the paint, its color is also important. What is important is the thickness of the skin in the area on which the drawing was applied..

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Each tattoo has its own removal

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism, because the option of poor wound healing is quite possible and, as a result, the appearance of scars is possible. Age is also of great importance, since the processes of regeneration with age are much slower. Therefore, you need to choose the most optimal option when deciding to remove a tattoo. If the applied pattern is small and not pronounced, then the camouflage method is suitable, this is when one pattern is covered with another, or a kind of “patch” of flesh-colored is applied. Also, for small and not far-reaching tattoos, you can use the method of their excision, that is, we are talking here about surgical intervention. In this case, the skin is removed and sutures are applied. This procedure requires pain relief. Subsequently, a scar remains, which is removed by grinding. For small tattoos, regardless of their intensity, you can use a removal method such as cryosurgery. This is also a rather painful method, therefore, anesthesia is also required here..

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More effective ways to remove a tattoo

The drawing is removed with liquid nitrogen, a crust appears in its place, after disappearing, which remains a pink scar, over time it will turn pale. Burning out with an electric current or laser is carried out under the action of local anesthesia, after which a scab remains on the skin, after which a scar remains, resembling a removed pattern in shape. But this method is completely unsuitable for removing contour tattoos and various inscriptions. The sanding method is used for small tattoos of almost any kind. In this case, the skin layers are removed with a special cutter with an abrasive surface. The disadvantage of this method is that after it the skin in the affected areas becomes vulnerable to infection, and sterile conditions should be created for it until it is completely restored. And the scars remain decent.

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Laser Removal – Carpet Bombing

In order not to damage the surrounding tissue, while selectively destroying the dye, a selective method is used. In this case, several lasers are used, the action of which is aimed at a specific color. When they act on a particular dye, it splits into molecules that are absorbed by skin cells. As a result, the pattern blanches. Such a technique, for all its effectiveness, is an expensive “pleasure”, especially since more than one session is required. Anesthesia is used. Therefore, you should think about the consequences before deciding to aim such a dubious beauty on your body..

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The text of the article for the site was prepared by: TANNA68 (Ilyina Anna Alexandrovna)