Ribbon Tattoo

Tattoo about astronomy and space on the day of the founding of the Royal Astronomical Society in England – January 12

From this material you can learn about the Founding Day of the Royal Astronomical Society in England – January 12, you can see a thematic gallery with photographs of tattoos on the theme of space and astronomy.

Tattoo about astronomy and space on the day of the founding of the Royal Astronomical Society in England - January 12 - information and photos of the tattoo

Tattoo about astronomy and space on the day of the founding of the Royal Astronomical Society in England – January 12: facts and photos of tattoo about space and astronomy

The starry sky and space excited the minds of people thousands of years ago, however, people were able to fully study the stars and space only by the 18-19 centuries, during the scientific and technological revolution.

A significant date in the history of astronomy can be considered January 12, 1820, when the Royal Astronomical Society was founded in England..

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Some interesting things from history

The initiator of the creation of the Royal Astronomical Society is the famous astronomer – John Herschel.

John Herschel, during a personal meeting with the monarch – George 3, was able to get approval for the creation and funding of the organization.

Already in 1831, thanks to the childhood love for astronomy of Wilhelm 4, the society received state preferences and support in the form of the “Charter”.

Despite the fact that the British Royal Astronomical Society has existed for over 200 years, its principles and goals have remained practically unchanged..

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Interesting facts

  • The famous Burlington House in Piccadilly Circus in London was built in 1974 at the initiative of the Royal Astronomical Society

  • The Royal Astronomical Society was one of the first in the world to recognize the equality of women in science (1912), even before the international consolidation following the end of the Second World War

  • Today, the Royal Astronomical Society has more than 3,000 members, two thirds of whom live outside the UK.

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Paying tribute to the event, and emphasizing the love for the stars and space, we invite you to look at cool photos of tattoos on the theme of astronomy and space and leave your opinion about the drawings in the comments.

Photo of a tattoo about space and astronomy from 01/11/2021 (240 photos)