
Snake tongue in humans (split tongue)

Here you can find out everything about snake tongue in humans (split tongue), you can see photo examples of interesting options, learn about the features and options for the body modification procedure, get tips.

Snake tongue in humans - a collection of photo examples of interesting options

Snake tongue in humans – a collection of photo examples of interesting options

Snake tongue in humans (split tongue) – all the most important

Cutting the tongue is called a split. At the moment, this is one of the most popular ways to modify the body. During the split, the tongue is cut in the middle into two parts, after which healing occurs. The operation is practically safe and harmless if performed correctly.


No operation is complete without risks and split is no exception. Anyone who decides on such a procedure should know all the risks:

  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia.
  • When performing an operation in the salon, there is a high probability of losing a lot of blood. Therefore, it is best to contact specialists in a medical institution..
  • Nerves can be damaged during deep bifurcation.
  • It is not recommended to do a split for minors, people with a low pain threshold.

photo Snake tongue in man dated 02.02.2018 №046 - Snake tongue in man -


After the operation, you can face the following consequences:

  • It is possible to return the tongue to its natural state only after a special operation (it costs much more).
  • Diction is distorted, lisp appears.
  • The pain will go away in a few months.
  • Due to the poor-quality work of the master, the tongue can fester..

Split tongue methods

There are three split options:

Binding. The tip of the tongue is tied to the piercing channel with a fishing line or thread. Over a period of time, this distance is gradually reduced. The thread should cut into the tongue and cut it. This method takes a lot of time and patience. Therefore, many never make it to the end..

photo Snake tongue in man dated 02.02.2018 №003 - Snake tongue in man -

Scalpelling. The tongue is cut into halves with a scalpel blade. It is extremely difficult to control bleeding. Some specialists use drugs that reduce bleeding and pain..

Laser surgery. This operation starts after anesthesia. The first step is to create a directive from the base to the top of the language. This distance is gradually reduced. The reduction of the fishing line or thread occurs until the tongue is forked. The procedure lasts 15 minutes. It is advisable to insert the piercing before surgery, which reduces bleeding.

Cutting the tongue too deep is not recommended. There is a high likelihood of damage to the muscles of the tongue. It is worth knowing that speech deformation depends on the depth of the incision..

Healing time

Over time, the tongue heals in the same way as a regular piercing. The first couple of weeks after the operation, primary healing occurs, and the final healing occurs after a few months.

Tongue care

After the split, there is a possibility of suppuration or accretion. For the first few months, you need to regularly take care of your tongue. In most cases, experts do not recommend leaving the house for a couple of days after surgery. This is due to profuse salivation. A swollen tongue will make it difficult to spit.

photo Snake tongue in man dated 02.02.2018 №042 - Snake tongue in man -

You will also have to use homeostatic sponges, which should be changed 3 to 4 times during the day, as well as after meals. Disinfectants and disinfectants are prescribed only by a professional master. Do not trust the advice and recommendations of strangers.

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Snake tongue in humans (split tongue) – photo examples from 02.02.2018

photo Snake tongue in man dated 02.02.2018 №047 - Snake tongue in man - photo Snake tongue in man dated 02.02.2018 №001 - Snake tongue in man - photo Snake tongue in man dated 02.02.2018 №002 - Snake tongue in man -

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Prepared by: vemupu (Olga Pshenichnikova)