
Thieves’ tattoos and their meaning meaning, history

A little about thieves’ tattoos

Many tattoo lovers apply designs on their bodies that have special meaning. Tattoos belonging to the criminal world also fall under a category. Thieves’ tattoos and their meaning are subject to certain laws that are adopted among people who have crossed the line of the law. The most common thief tattoos are rings and a wind rose..

Thieves' tattoos

Thieves’ tattoos


What such a tattoo means is determined only by the pattern that is depicted on the fingers in a “ring” with a certain meaning. But there is a general meaning that is given to tattoos, regardless of the internal pattern..

The presence of this tattoo means:

  • Aggression;

    • Freedom;

    • Disobedience;

    • Regret;

    • Sadness.

Such a tattoo can illuminate some facts from a person’s biography and express his worldview. Tattoos that visually resemble rings are worn on the fingers and their number can symbolize the number of “walkers”, that is, the number of convictions.

Such a small tattoo can contain information about a criminal record, its reasons, terms, how the criminal was detained, what level he occupied in the hierarchy of the criminal world, and much more..

There are cases when the meaning of a tattoo also depends on which finger it was stuffed on. It is typical for thieves, pacifists and others to wear them..

Flying Tattoo On Left Shoulder Flying Tattoo On Left Shoulder

Rose of Wind

The wind rose is applied to their bodies not only by sailors, but also by travelers, people who want to become free in everything and representatives of the criminal world.

In the criminal world, this tattoo symbolizes anger and pirate fearlessness. It is applied on the shoulders and knees, which means that a person belongs to the “thug diaspora”. If she is still depicted on her knees, then for a thief she means “I will not kneel.” There is also a general meaning:

  • Target;

    • Valor;

    • Luck;

    • Difference.

Thieves’ tattoos and their meaning have changed over the centuries. Thus, earlier the wind rose was applied by sailors. Since they traveled a lot and before the invention of the compass they were guided by the stars, it was believed that such a tattoo would bring good luck and allow the sailor to find his home and the road to their difficult situations..